The DAVID Spine Program worked perfectly for me!
This was my second bout with back pain, both treated at Back and Neck Plus. The first occasion four years ago, led to significant pain relief. This time, the pain was much more acute, so much so that I could not walk more than 50-75 yards at a time. I happened to be on a 14 week trip to London when the pain was at its worst, and I consulted three Harley street specialist, 2 of them spine specialists and one osteopath, along with a physical therapist. Three spinal injections brought little if any, relief.
When I returned to Little Rock, I asked my doctor for another stint at Back and Neck Plus. To my great relief—-and some surprise, the pain is completely gone. I leave my London purchased walking stick at home, and now I’m working on getting back my endurance and stamina after a year and virtually complete inactivity. The DAVID Spine Program worked perfectly for me!